Comparison of the Particle Size Distribution of TLC and HPTLC Plates

HPTLCTLC Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Chromatography/Diagrams/LE-TLC plates-480x260-03172014.jpg
Mean particle size 5-6 μm 10 - 12 μm
Particle size distribution 4 - 8 μm 5 - 20 μm
Layer thickness 200 μm (100 μm) 250 μm (200 μm)
Typical plate height 12 μm 30 μm
Typical migration distance 3 - 6 cm 10 - 15 cm
Typical separation time 3 - 20 min 20 - 200 min
Number of samples per plate < 36 (72) < 10
Sample volume 0.1 - 0.5 μl 1 - 5 μl
Detection limits UV absorption 100 - 500 pg 1 - 5 ng
Detection limits fluorescence 5 - 10 pg 50 - 100 pg