The FlowSight® operates at a fixed 20X magnification, can accept up to four excitation lasers, and is optimized for standard flow cytometry assays with visual verification of all events and populations for improved gating and artifact detection. The FlowSight® also has a smaller footprint and lower cost.
The ImageStream®X Mark II operates at 40X magnification, can accept up to seven lasers, and can perform quantitative image-based assays in its base configuration. With its higher magnification, the ImageStream®X Mark II will detect more subtle changes in cell morphology than the FlowSight®, particularly for smaller cells, while the FlowSight® is well-suited for characterizing larger cells.
The imaging capabilities of the ImageStream®X Mark II can be enhanced with the MultiMag option, which adds 60X and 20X objectives, as well as the Extended Depth of Field (EDF) option. The 60X objective enhances the effectiveness of many image-based assays, even in bacteria and yeast, while the 20X objective increases the width of the field of view for the analysis of larger cells. The EDF option significantly augments the resolution of spot counting assays.