In Vitro Toxicology

In vitro models play an important role in the toxicity testing of cosmetics, drugs and pharmaceutical therapies. Advancements in in vitro cell culture have given researchers a viable alternative and/or complement to live animal testing.

In vitro models offer a number of ethical and economic advantages over animal testing. These assays are being used earlier in toxicity testing pipelines, often to determine risk assessment and/or set up controls that will ultimately spare animal life. The combination of lower-cost and higher throughput assays can help bring products to market faster. Additionally, in vitro models give researchers an advantage in understanding the biological process involved in a toxic response sooner than if they were depending on the visual inspection of a live animal.

MilliporeSigma’s family of Millicell cell culture inserts and insert plates are widely used for in vitro toxicology testing. Additionally, Millipore offers a line of 96-well products for ADME and pre-ADME testing. In vitro assays supported include solubility as well as cell- and non-cell based drug absorption assays.

For more information on MilliporeSigma tools for in vitro toxicology testing, contact Millipore Technical Service at