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Home>Events>Next Generation Biopharmaceutical Downstream Process (nextBioPharmDSP) Symposium

January 16, 2019 at the Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center in Raleigh, NC

Vibrant M MilliporeSigma

Join us to learn more about the work that has been done to achieve the objectives of the nextBiopharmDSP project:

  • Implement a fully integrated manufacturing platform based on continuous chromatography
  • Learn single-use disposable techniques for all unit operations of DSP sequence for mAbs at pilot or small production scale
  • Incorporate advanced analytical tools into your process

Learn more about the nextBioPharmDSP project:

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Mercrobe MilliporeSigma

Presentation Topics

  • Primary separation: substitution of the standard process for primary separation with the utilization of flocculants and Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF).
  • Continuous capture step: integration of continuous chromatography in the capture step and development of novel disposable equipment for larger scale. Additionally non-chromatographic capture step alternatives, such as continuous precipitation.
  • Disposable DSP: evaluation of single-use disposable solutions for flow-through polishing steps for efficient removal of impurities and single pass TFF (SPTFF) as continuous product concentration approach.
  • Advanced analytical tools: different tools for measuring impurities, product content and other parameters in real time or close to real time.
Venue Information

Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center
850 Oval Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606

Mercrobe MilliporeSigma

Horizon 2020
Optimizing Biopharmaceutial Downstream Processing

Evaluating Options for an Optimized Process

Different approaches for primary separation, capture and intermediate/ polishing steps will be evaluated for the ability to reduce the size and number of downstream unit operations and eliminate centrifugation.

Alternatives to batch processing for the capture step, such as continuous chromatography, will be evaluated to improve efficiency and reduce the need for expensive resins. Precipitation will also be evaluated as an approach to replace protein A chromatography as capture step.

Traditional Approach