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Aquastar® Karl Fischer reagents

GL45 bottle neck for a direct connection to your Karl Fischer titrator

Aquastar Karl Fischer reagents

Karl Fischer titration is the most widely used analytical method for determination of water in a variety of samples. The Aquastar® line of products from EMD Millipore offers a complete range of titration instruments and reagents developed to simplify Karl Fischer analysis. Aquastar® instruments are designed to automate routine reactions and deliver extremely accurate results. Aquastar® standards and reagents offer safety and performance improvements over traditionally used solvents.

Whether your sample is a gas, liquid or solid, Aquastar® Karl Fischer instruments and reagents make water determination easier and more reliable than ever before.

Bottle Adaptor No Longer Needed

For a long time, the standard neck for reagent bottles has been a S38 bottle neck. However, most Karl Fischer titrators use a GL45 bottle neck. Many customers, therefore, require an adapter. This new offer provides the opportunity to switch to the most popular neck size (GL45), while getting the same product formulation as with the S38 neck size bottles. The GL45 neck bottles connect directly to your Karl Fischer titrator.

What if I Have an Older Model Titrator?

We will continue to supply reagents in bottles with a S38 neck size (under a new product number – see table below) for our customers using older model titrators. Although the product number for reagents packaged in bottles with an S38 bottle neck will be changing as of June 1, 2012, the reagents themselves will remain the same.

 Order Number for Aquastar® reagents packaged with a GL45 neckEffective June 1, 2012 NEW order number for Aquastar® reagents packaged with a S38 neck
CombiTitrant 1 1.88001.1045 1.88001.1038
CombiTitrant 2 1.88002.1045 1.88002.1038
  1.88002.2545 1.88002.2538
CombiTitrant 5 1.88005.1045 1.88005.1038
  1.88005.2545 1.88005.2538
CombiTitrant 5 Keto 1.88006.1045 1.88006.1038
CombiMethanol 1.88009.1045 1.88009.1038
  1.88009.2545 1.88009.2538
Titrant 5 1.88010.1045 1.88010.1038
Solvent 1.88015.1045 1.88015.1038