Nuclear receptor co-repressors are required for the histone-deacetylase activity of HDAC3 in vivo. You, SH; Lim, HW; Sun, Z; Broache, M; Won, KJ; Lazar, MA Nature structural & molecular biology
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Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is an epigenome-modifying enzyme that is required for normal mouse development and tissue-specific functions. In vitro, HDAC3 protein itself has minimal enzyme activity but gains its histone-deacetylation function from stable association with the conserved deacetylase-activating domain (DAD) contained in nuclear receptor co-repressors NCOR1 and SMRT. Here we show that HDAC3 enzyme activity is undetectable in mice bearing point mutations in the DAD of both NCOR1 and SMRT (NS-DADm), despite having normal levels of HDAC3 protein. Local histone acetylation is increased, and genomic HDAC3 recruitment is reduced though not abrogated. Notably, NS-DADm mice are born and live to adulthood, whereas genetic deletion of HDAC3 is embryonic lethal. These findings demonstrate that nuclear receptor co-repressors are required for HDAC3 enzyme activity in vivo and suggest that a deacetylase-independent function of HDAC3 may be required for life. | | 23292142
The nuclear envelope protein emerin binds directly to histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) and activates HDAC3 activity. Demmerle, J; Koch, AJ; Holaska, JM The Journal of biological chemistry
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Organization of the genome is critical for maintaining cell-specific gene expression, ensuring proper cell function. It is well established that the nuclear lamina preferentially associates with repressed chromatin. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying repressive chromatin formation and maintenance at the nuclear lamina remain poorly understood. Here we show that emerin binds directly to HDAC3, the catalytic subunit of the nuclear co-repressor (NCoR) complex, and recruits HDAC3 to the nuclear periphery. Emerin binding stimulated the catalytic activity of HDAC3, and emerin-null cells exhibit increased H4K5 acetylation, which is the preferred target of the NCoR complex. Emerin-null cells exhibit an epigenetic signature similar to that seen in HDAC3-null cells. Emerin-null cells also had significantly less HDAC3 at the nuclear lamina. Collectively, these data support a model whereby emerin facilitates repressive chromatin formation at the nuclear periphery by increasing the catalytic activity of HDAC3. | Western Blotting | 22570481
Gene repressive activity of RIP140 through direct interaction with CDK8. Persaud, SD; Huang, WH; Park, SW; Wei, LN Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.)
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Receptor interacting protein 140 (RIP140) is a coregulator for numerous nuclear receptors and transcription factors and primarily exerts gene-repressive activities on various target genes. We previously identified a spectrum of posttranslational modifications on RIP140 that augment its property and biological activity. In T(3)-triggered biphasic regulation of cellular retinoic acid binding protein 1 (Crabp1) gene along the course of fibroblast-adipocyte differentiation, we found TRAP220(MED1) critical for T(3)-activated chromatin remodeling whereas RIP140 essential for T(3)-repressive chromatin remodeling of this gene promoter. In this current study, we aim to examine whether and how RIP140 replaces TRAP220(MED1) on the CrabpI promoter in differentiating adipocyte cultures. We find increasing recruitment of RIP140 to this promoter, with corresponding reduction in TRAP220(MED1) recruitment during the T(3)-repressive phase. We also uncover direct interaction of RIP140 with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)8 through the amino terminus of RIP140, which is stimulated by lysine acetylation on RIP140. We further validate the biological activity of lysine acetylation-mimetic RIP140, which elicits a stronger repressive effect and more efficiently recruits CDK8 and confirm CDK8's function in recruiting repressive components, such as G9a, to the RIP140 complex on this promoter. This underlies the T(3)-triggered repression of CrabpI gene. This study illustrates a new gene-repressive mechanism of RIP140 that can affect the transcription machinery by directly interacting with CDK8. | | 21868449
HDAC3 as a molecular chaperone for shuttling phosphorylated TR2 to PML: a novel deacetylase activity-independent function of HDAC3. Gupta, P; Ho, PC; Ha, SG; Lin, YW; Wei, LN PloS one
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TR2 is an orphan nuclear receptor specifically expressed in early embryos (Wei and Hsu, 1994), and a transcription factor for transcriptional regulation of important genes in stem cells including the gate keeper Oct4 (Park et al. 2007). TR2 is known to function as an activator (Wei et al. 2000), or a repressor (Chinpaisal et al., 1998, Gupta et al. 2007). Due to the lack of specific ligands, mechanisms triggering its activator or repressor function have remained puzzling for decades. Recently, we found that all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) triggers the activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2), which phosphorylates TR2 and stimulates its partitioning to promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies, thereby converting the activator function of TR2 into repression (Gupta et al. 2008; Park et al. 2007). Recruitment of TR2 to PML is a crucial step in the conversion of TR2 from an activator to a repressor. However, it is unclear how phosphorylated TR2 is recruited to PML, an essential step in converting TR2 from an activator to a repressor. In the present study, we use both in vitro and in vivo systems to address the problem of recruiting TR2 to PML nuclear bodies. First, we identify histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) as an effector molecule. HDAC3 is known to interact with TR2 (Franco et al. 2001) and this interaction is enhanced by the atRA-stimulated phosphorylation of TR2 at Thr-210 (Gupta et al. 2008). Secondly, in this study, we also find that the carrier function of HDAC3 is independent of its deacetylase activity. Thirdly, we find another novel activity of atRA that stimulates nuclear enrichment of HDAC3 to form nuclear complex with PML, which is ERK2 independent. This is the first report identifying a deacetylase-independent function for HDAC3, which serves as a specific carrier molecule that targets a specifically phosphorylated protein to PML NBs. This is also the first study delineating how protein recruitment to PML nuclear bodies occurs, which can be stimulated by atRA in an ERK2-independent manner. These findings could provide new insights into the development of potential therapeutics and in understanding how orphan nuclear receptor activities can be regulated without ligands. Full Text Article | | 19204783
A SAP30 complex inhibits IFN-beta expression in Rift Valley fever virus infected cells. Le May, N; Mansuroglu, Z; Léger, P; Josse, T; Blot, G; Billecocq, A; Flick, R; Jacob, Y; Bonnefoy, E; Bouloy, M PLoS pathogens
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Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) nonstructural protein NSs acts as the major determinant of virulence by antagonizing interferon beta (IFN-beta) gene expression. We demonstrate here that NSs interacts with the host protein SAP30, which belongs to Sin3A/NCoR/HDACs repressor complexes and interacts with the transcription factor YY1 that regulates IFN-beta gene expression. Using confocal microscopy and chromatin immunoprecipitation, we show that SAP30, YY1, and Sin3A-associated corepressor factors strongly colocalize with nuclear NSs filaments and that NSs, SAP30 and Sin3A-associated factors are recruited on the IFN-beta promoter through YY1, inhibiting CBP recruitment, histone acetylation, and transcriptional activation. To ascertain the role of SAP30, we produced, by reverse genetics, a recombinant RVFV in which the interacting domain in NSs was deleted. The virus was unable to inhibit the IFN response and was avirulent for mice. We discuss here the strategy developed by the highly pathogenic RVFV to evade the host antiviral response, affecting nuclear organization and IFN-beta promoter chromatin structure. | | 18225953
Ovol1 represses its own transcription by competing with transcription activator c-Myb and by recruiting histone deacetylase activity. Nair, M; Bilanchone, V; Ortt, K; Sinha, S; Dai, X Nucleic acids research
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Ovol1 belongs to a family of evolutionarily conserved zinc finger proteins that act downstream of key developmental signaling pathways such as Wnt and TGF-beta/BMP. It plays important roles in epithelial and germ cell development, particularly by repressing c-Myc and Id2 genes and modulating the balance between proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells. In this study, we show that Ovol1 negatively regulates its own expression by binding to and repressing the activity of its promoter. We further demonstrate that Ovol1 uses both passive and active repression mechanisms to auto-repress: (1) it antagonizes transcriptional activation of c-Myb, a known positive regulator of proliferation, by competing for DNA binding; (2) it recruits histone deacetylase activity to the promoter via an N-terminal SNAG repressor domain. At Ovol1 cognate sites in the endogenous Ovol1 promoter, c-Myb binding correlates with increased histone acetylation, whereas the expression of Ovol1 correlates with a displacement of c-Myb from the DNA and decreased histone acetylation. Collectively, our data suggest that Ovol1 restricts its own expression by counteracting c-Myb activation and histone acetylation of the Ovol1 promoter. Full Text Article | | 17311813
Histone deacetylases: unique players in shaping the epigenetic histone code. Thiagalingam, Sam, et al. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 983: 84-100 (2003)
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The epigenome is defined by DNA methylation patterns and the associated posttranslational modifications of histones. This histone code determines the expression status of individual genes dependent upon their localization on the chromatin. The silencing of gene expression is associated with deacetylated histones, which are often found to be associated with regions of DNA methylation as well as methylation at the lysine 4 residue of histone 3. In contrast, the activation of gene expression is associated with acetylated histones and methylation at the lysine 9 residue of histone 3. The histone deactylases play a major role in keeping the balance between the acetylated and deacetylated states of chromatin. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are divided into three classes: class I HDACs (HDACs 1, 2, 3, and 8) are similar to the yeast RPD3 protein and localize to the nucleus; class II HDACs (HDACs 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10) are homologous to the yeast HDA1 protein and are found in both the nucleus and cytoplasm; and class III HDACs form a structurally distinct class of NAD-dependent enzymes that are similar to the yeast SIR2 proteins. Since inappropriate silencing of critical genes can result in one or both hits of tumor suppressor gene (TSG) inactivation in cancer, theoretically the reactivation of affected TSGs could have an enormous therapeutic value in preventing and treating cancer. Indeed, several HDAC inhibitors are currently being developed and tested for their potency in cancer chemotherapy. Importantly, these agents are also potentially applicable to chemoprevention if their toxicity can be minimized. Despite the toxic side effects and lack of specificity of some of the inhibitors, progress is being made. With the elucidation of the structures, functions and modes of action of HDACs, finding agents that may be targeted to specific HDACs and potentially reactivate expression of only a defined set of affected genes in cancer will be more attainable. | | 12724214
Enzymatic activity associated with class II HDACs is dependent on a multiprotein complex containing HDAC3 and SMRT/N-CoR. Fischle, Wolfgang, et al. Mol. Cell, 9: 45-57 (2002)
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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) play a key role in regulating eukaryotic gene expression. The HDAC domain, homologous to the yeast repressors RPD3 and HDA1, is considered necessary and sufficient for enzymatic activity. Here, we show that the catalytic domain of HDAC4 interacts with HDAC3 via the transcriptional corepressor N-CoR/SMRT. All experimental conditions leading to the suppression of HDAC4 binding to SMRT/N-CoR and to HDAC3 result in the loss of enzymatic activity associated with HDAC4. In vitro reconstitution experiments indicate that HDAC4 and other class II HDACs are inactive in the context of the SMRT/N-CoR-HDAC3 complex and do not contribute to its enzymatic activity. These observations indicate that class II HDACs regulate transcription by bridging the enzymatically active SMRT/N-CoR-HDAC3 complex and select transcription factors independently of any intrinsic HDAC activity. | | 11804585
Characterization of a human RPD3 ortholog, HDAC3. Emiliani, S, et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 95: 2795-800 (1998)
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Histone acetylation levels in cells result from a dynamic equilibrium between competing histone acetylases and deacetylases. Changes in histone acetylation levels occur during both transcriptional activation and silencing. Cloning of the cDNA for a human histone deacetylase (HDAC1) has shown that it represents a human ortholog of the yeast transcriptional regulator RPD3. We have screened the expressed sequence tag database (National Center for Biotechnology Information) with the yeast RPD3 sequence and identified a human ortholog of RPD3, HDAC3. This cDNA encodes a protein of 428 amino acids with 58% sequence identity with HDAC1p. By using a specific polyclonal antiserum recognizing the C-terminal domain of HDAC3p and Western blotting, we detected a single approximately 49-kDa band in several tumor cell lines. HDAC3p is expressed predominantly in the nuclear compartment. Immunoprecipitation experiments with either an antiserum against HDAC3p or an anti-FLAG antiserum and a flagged HDAC3 cDNA showed that HDAc3p exhibits deacetylase activity both on free histones and on purified nucleosomes. This deacetylase activity is inhibited by trichostatin, trapoxin, and butyrate in vitro to the same degree as the deacetylase activity associated to HDAC1p. These observations identify another member of a growing family of human HDAC genes. | | 9501169
Isolation and characterization of cDNAs corresponding to an additional member of the human histone deacetylase gene family. Yang, W M, et al. J. Biol. Chem., 272: 28001-7 (1997)
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Several human cDNAs encoding a histone deacetylase protein, HDAC3, have been isolated. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence of HDAC3 revealed an open reading frame of 428 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 49 kDa. The HDAC3 protein is 50% identical in DNA sequence and 53% identical in protein sequence compared with the previously cloned human HDAC1. Comparison of the HDAC3 sequence with human HDAC2 also yielded similar results, with 51% identity in DNA sequence and 52% identity in protein sequence. The expressed HDAC3 protein is functionally active because it possesses histone deacetylase activity, represses transcription when tethered to a promoter, and binds transcription factor YY1. Similar to HDAC1 and HDAC2, HDAC3 is ubiquitously expressed in many different cell types. | | 9346952