RNA-sequencing analysis of high glucose-treated monocytes reveals novel transcriptome signatures and associated epigenetic profiles. Miao, F; Chen, Z; Zhang, L; Wang, J; Gao, H; Wu, X; Natarajan, R Physiological genomics
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We performed high throughput transcriptomic profiling with RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to uncover network responses in human THP-1 monocytes treated with high glucose (HG). Our data analyses revealed that interferon (IFN) signaling, pattern recognition receptors, and activated interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) were enriched among the HG-upregulated genes. Motif analysis identified an HG-responsive IRF-mediated network in which interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) were enriched. Notably, this network showed strong overlap with a recently discovered IRF7-driven network relevant to Type 1 diabetes. We next examined if the HG-regulated genes possessed any characteristic chromatin features in the basal state by profiling 15 active and repressive chromatin marks under normal glucose conditions using chromatin immunoprecipitation linked to promoter microarrays. Composite profiles revealed higher histone H3 lysine-9-acetylation levels around the promoters of HG-upregulated genes compared with all RefSeq promoters. Interestingly, within the HG-upregulated genes, active chromatin marks were enriched not only at high CpG content promoters, but surprisingly also at low CpG content promoters. Similar results were obtained with peripheral blood monocytes exposed to HG. These new results reveal a novel mechanism by which HG can exercise IFN-α-like effects in monocytes by upregulating a set of ISGs poised for activation with multiple chromatin marks. | | Human | 23386205
Histone deacetylases 1 and 2 act in concert to promote the G1-to-S progression. Yamaguchi, T; Cubizolles, F; Zhang, Y; Reichert, N; Kohler, H; Seiser, C; Matthias, P Genes & development
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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) regulate gene expression by deacetylating histones and also modulate the acetylation of a number of nonhistone proteins, thus impinging on various cellular processes. Here, we analyzed the major class I enzymes HDAC1 and HDAC2 in primary mouse fibroblasts and in the B-cell lineage. Fibroblasts lacking both enzymes fail to proliferate in culture and exhibit a strong cell cycle block in the G1 phase that is associated with up-regulation of the CDK inhibitors p21(WAF1/CIP1) and p57(Kip2) and of the corresponding mRNAs. This regulation is direct, as in wild-type cells HDAC1 and HDAC2 are bound to the promoter regions of the p21 and p57 genes. Furthermore, analysis of the transcriptome and of histone modifications in mutant cells demonstrated that HDAC1 and HDAC2 have only partly overlapping roles. Next, we eliminated HDAC1 and HDAC2 in the B cells of conditionally targeted mice. We found that B-cell development strictly requires the presence of at least one of these enzymes: When both enzymes are ablated, B-cell development is blocked at an early stage, and the rare remaining pre-B cells show a block in G1 accompanied by the induction of apoptosis. In contrast, elimination of HDAC1 and HDAC2 in mature resting B cells has no negative impact, unless these cells are induced to proliferate. These results indicate that HDAC1 and HDAC2, by normally repressing the expression of p21 and p57, regulate the G1-to-S-phase transition of the cell cycle. Full Text Article | | | 20194438
Levetiracetam enhances p53-mediated MGMT inhibition and sensitizes glioblastoma cells to temozolomide. Bobustuc, GC; Baker, CH; Limaye, A; Jenkins, WD; Pearl, G; Avgeropoulos, NG; Konduri, SD Neuro-oncology
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Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are frequently used to treat seizures in glioma patients. AEDs may have an unrecognized impact in modulating O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), a DNA repair protein that has an important role in tumor cell resistance to alkylating agents. We report that levetiracetam (LEV) is the most potent MGMT inhibitor among several AEDs with diverse MGMT regulatory actions. In vitro, when used at concentrations within the human therapeutic range for seizure prophylaxis, LEV decreases MGMT protein and mRNA expression levels. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis reveals that LEV enhances p53 binding on the MGMT promoter by recruiting the mSin3A/histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) corepressor complex. However, LEV does not exert any MGMT inhibitory activity when the expression of either p53, mSin3A, or HDAC1 is abrogated. LEV inhibits malignant glioma cell proliferation and increases glioma cell sensitivity to the monofunctional alkylating agent temozolomide. In 4 newly diagnosed patients who had 2 craniotomies 7-14 days apart, prior to the initiation of any tumor-specific treatment, samples obtained before and after LEV treatment showed the inhibition of MGMT expression. Our results suggest that the choice of AED in patients with malignant gliomas may have an unrecognized impact in clinical practice and research trial design. Full Text Article | | | 20525765
Analysis of transcription factor interactions in osteoblasts using competitive chromatin immunoprecipitation. Roca, H; Franceschi, RT Nucleic acids research
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Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a widely used technique for quantifying protein-DNA interactions in living cells. This method commonly uses fixed (crosslinked) chromatin that is fragmented by sonication (X-ChIP). We developed a simple new ChIP procedure for the immunoprecipitation of sonicated chromatin isolated from osteoblasts in the absence of crosslinking (N-ChIP). The use of noncrosslinked chromatin allowed development of a new modification of the ChIP assay: the combination of N-ChIP and competition with double-stranded oligonucleotides containing specific binding sites for individual transcription factors (Competitive N-ChIP). Using this approach, we were able to discriminate between individual binding sites for the Runx2 transcription factor in the osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein genes that cannot be resolved by traditional X-ChIP. N-ChIP assays were also able to detect several other types of chromatin interactions including those with Dlx homeodomain factors and nuclear proteins such as Sin3a that lack an intrinsic DNA-binding motif and, therefore, bind to chromatin via interactions with other proteins. | | | 18263612
The retinoblastoma protein regulates pericentric heterochromatin. Isaac, CE; Francis, SM; Martens, AL; Julian, LM; Seifried, LA; Erdmann, N; Binné, UK; Harrington, L; Sicinski, P; Bérubé, NG; Dyson, NJ; Dick, FA Molecular and cellular biology
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The retinoblastoma protein (pRb) has been proposed to regulate cell cycle progression in part through its ability to interact with enzymes that modify histone tails and create a repressed chromatin structure. We created a mutation in the murine Rb1 gene that disrupted pRb's ability to interact with these enzymes to determine if it affected cell cycle control. Here, we show that loss of this interaction slows progression through mitosis and causes aneuploidy. Our experiments reveal that while the LXCXE binding site mutation does not disrupt pRb's interaction with the Suv4-20h histone methyltransferases, it dramatically reduces H4-K20 trimethylation in pericentric heterochromatin. Disruption of heterochromatin structure in this chromosomal region leads to centromere fusions, chromosome missegregation, and genomic instability. These results demonstrate the surprising finding that pRb uses the LXCXE binding cleft to control chromatin structure for the regulation of events beyond the G(1)-to-S-phase transition. Full Text Article | Immunofluorescence | | 16612004
Transcription factor interactions and chromatin modifications associated with p53-mediated, developmental repression of the alpha-fetoprotein gene. Nguyen, TT; Cho, K; Stratton, SA; Barton, MC Molecular and cellular biology
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We performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analyses of developmentally staged solid tissues isolated from wild-type and p53-null mice to determine specific histone N-terminal modifications, histone-modifying proteins, and transcription factor interactions at the developmental repressor region (-850) and core promoter of the hepatic tumor marker alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) gene. Both repression of AFP during liver development and silencing in the brain, where AFP is never expressed, are associated with dimethylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (DiMetH3K9) and the presence of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1). These heterochromatic markers remain localized to AFP during developmental repression but spread to the upstream albumin gene during silencing. Developmentally regulated decreases in levels of acetylated H3 (AcH3K9) and H4 (AcH4) and of di- and trimethylated H3K4 (DiMetH3K4 and TriMetH3K4) occur at both the core promoter and distal repressor regions of AFP. Hepatic expression of AFP correlates with FoxA interaction at the repressor region and the binding of RNA polymerase II and TATA-binding protein to the core promoter. p53 acts as a developmental repressor of AFP in the liver by binding to chromatin, excluding FoxA interaction and targeting mSin3A/HDAC1 to the distal repressor region. p53-null mice exhibit developmentally delayed AFP repression, concomitant with acetylation of H3K9, methylation of H3K4, and loss of DiMetH3K9, mSin3A/HDAC1, and HP1 interactions. | | Mouse | 15743813
Sexually dimorphic expression of co-repressor Sin3A in mouse kidneys. Jun Xu, Arthur P Arnold, Jun Xu, Arthur P Arnold Endocrine research
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Using Western blot analysis we found transcriptional co-repressor Sin3A to be expressed at a higher level in male mouse kidney than in females. HDAC1 (histone deacetylase 1) protein, another co-repressor forming complexes with Sin3A, was not higher in males. No sex differences in Sin3A expression were found after gonadectomy, suggesting that gonadal secretions in adulthood cause the sex difference in kidney expression of Sin3A. In contrast, HDAC1 levels were higher in castrated gonadal males than in females, which presumably reflects a long-lasting differentiating effect of testicular secretions in early development on this protein in kidneys. In gonadectomized mice in which sex chromosome complement (XX vs. XY) is independent of gonadal type (testes vs. ovaries), there was no difference in the level of Sin3A or HDAC1 expression in kidney in XX or XY mice of the same gonadal sex. | | | 16355490
Analysis of mammalian proteins involved in chromatin modification reveals new metaphase centromeric proteins and distinct chromosomal distribution patterns Craig, J. M., et al Hum Mol Genet, 12:3109-21 (2003)
| Immunoblotting (Western) | | 14519686
Expression of transcriptional repressor protein mSin3A but not mSin3B is induced during neuronal apoptosis. Korhonen, P, et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 252: 274-7 (1998)
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mSin3 proteins have an important role in transcriptional repression mediated by histone deacetylation. Our purpose was to find out whether apoptosis affects the expression of mSin3 proteins in neuroblastoma 2a cells. We observed that neuronal apoptosis, induced by serum withdrawal or by treatment with etoposide, okadaic acid or trichostatin A, induced a prominent increase in mSin3A protein expression but did not affect the level of mSin3B protein. Trichostatin A, an inhibitor of histone deacetylases, induced the most prominent upregulation of mSin3A protein. Metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation of mSin3A showed a marked increase in the synthesis of mSin3A protein in agreement with the immunoblotting results. Interestingly, the expression of mSin3A preceded the activation of caspase-3 and the execution phase of neuronal apoptosis. These results suggest that the expression of mSin3A proteins may provide a regulation mechanism to enhance transcriptional repression or silencing of genes during neuronal apoptosis, as well as during degenerative diseases. | | | 9813182
Targeted recruitment of the Sin3-Rpd3 histone deacetylase complex generates a highly localized domain of repressed chromatin in vivo. Kadosh, D and Struhl, K Mol. Cell. Biol., 18: 5121-7 (1998)
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Eukaryotic organisms contain a multiprotein complex that includes Rpd3 histone deacetylase and the Sin3 corepressor. The Sin3-Rpd3 complex is recruited to promoters by specific DNA-binding proteins, whereupon it represses transcription. By directly analyzing the chromatin structure of a repressed promoter in yeast cells, we demonstrate that transcriptional repression is associated with localized histone deacetylation. Specifically, we observe decreased acetylation of histones H3 and H4 (preferentially lysines 5 and 12) that depends on the DNA-binding repressor (Ume6), Sin3, and Rpd3. Mapping experiments indicate that the domain of histone deacetylation is highly localized, occurring over a range of one to two nucleosomes. Taken together with previous observations, these results define a novel mechanism of transcriptional repression which involves targeted recruitment of a histone-modifying activity and localized perturbation of chromatin structure. | | | 9710596