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Parteck® SRP 80 Excipient for Sustained Release Solid Dose Formulations

Parteck® SRP 80 ExcipientsParteck® SRP 80, our new functional excipient based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), provides reliable sustained drug delivery over long release periods. Its matrix diffusion technology helps increase the efficacy and bioavailability of your compound while reducing side effects and the risk of dose dumping.

Parteck® SRP 80 is well suited for direct compression processes and helps accelerate your formulation work—from simplified feasibility and development to rapid and cost-efficient manufacturing.

Benefits of Parteck® SRP 80:

  • Reliable sustained release profiles of active pharmaceutical ingredients over several hours
  • Suitable for direct compression processes with conventional equipment
  • Resistant to pH- and alcohol-induced dose dumping
  • Superior batch-to-batch consistency and robust performance due to fully synthetic material
  • Faster time to market with the Emprove® program
Click here to watch the video on Parteck® SRP 80.

For more detailed information about Parteck® SRP 80, see the flyer in the related resources section.

Cat. No. Product Description Quantity
141439 Parteck® SRP 80 (Polyvinyl alcohol) EMPROVE® ESSENTIAL Ph Eur, ChP, USP, JPE 1 kg, 25 kg
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Webinar: Hot Melt Extrusion with PVA: Overcoming Solubility and Bioavailability Challenges

Hot Melt Extrusion with PVA: Overcoming Solubility and Bioavailability Challenges

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